Thursday, November 17, 2011

Teching and rehearsing all day and night

Only one day left until opening night! Get your tickets in the GSU tomorrow all day or just buy them at the door. It's only $8 for students and BU community and a whopping $12 for everyone else.

There's been so much to talk about these last few days, but I haven't even had time to breathe let alone write out my thoughts. Where to begin? I had tech rehearsals on Monday and Tuesday nights and luckily I had off on Wednesday to relax. So for all of you who don't know what a tech rehearsal is, here's a short explanation. Once we have learned our choreography and chosen costumes, we need to rehearse on the actual stage with the lights and the technical crew. Lynda, our amazing lighting designer, picks out what lighting will work best with our dances to portray the mood we are going for. The dancers are able to run through the pieces a few times to ensure that dress rehearsal goes off without a hitch. Also, this is where everyone meets the stage manager for the show. This semester an alumnus, Gabrielle, is stage managing for us and she is AWESOME. She is so focused on making sure ORIGINS is amazing and she really has a vested interest in all of the choreographers and dancers.

All of the tech rehearsals were great these last few days and the show is really starting come together. Dress rehearsal is in a few short hours and then soon enough it will be showtime! See you all there!

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