Wednesday, November 9, 2011

It's Crunch Time

O.K. so it's less than two weeks until Origins 2011, which means PANIC!! Just kidding. I'm actually feeling pretty calm considering tomorrow night is the 4th and final showing and the last time the mentors will have the ability to cut my piece. I'm not worried about the piece not making it into the show, but still you never know. Since the show is so soon, it means that this week was also the final week for rehearsals. And I think the title of this post definitely describes everyone's moods during rehearsals. Dances needed to be finished, polished and looking awesome (which they all are) at the end of each rehearsal this week.

In addition to tomorrow night being the 4th showing, DTG is also having an amazing modern class with Gregory King. He has danced with some great people and companies in his career, including the Erick Hawkins Dance Company, the New York Theatre Ballet, the Washington Ballet and Rebecca Kelly Ballet. On top of that, he was in Disney's The Lion King on Broadway. No if that isn't amazingly cool, I don't know what is. I'm really excited about his class tomorrow night and cannot wait to meet him.

Next week starts tech week, which basically means I will be spending my free time (what little there is) at FitRec dancing or in the GSU link selling tickets. I'll explain more about tech week as it gets closer. And don't think I've forgotten about telling you what my piece is about. I just like keeping my readers in suspense for as long as I can.

But I'm not going to leave you empty handed! Here's the title of my piece to ponder over for a bit: "11 months, 6 weeks, 10 days and 5 minutes" Did that help anyone? =)

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