Monday, October 10, 2011

First post?

So here it goes, my first ever blog post! I can tell you are as excited as I am. Of course I'm kidding. I'm actually very excited to be writing all about my experiences in Dance Theatre Group (aka DTG) at Boston University. Considering I spend about 10-14 hours choreographing and dancing each week, dance is what my week revolves around.  I'm constantly thinking about what time I have rehearsal, where, how long and what choreography I have to remember for what piece. It can get stressful at times, what with class being the reason I go to BU and all, but I love it, so it's worth the stress.

So, instead of just laying out everything about DTG in the very first post, I figured I'd give it to you piece-by-piece. Since this week is our second showing, I think I'll explain those first.  Every semester we perform a concert; it's called Origins in the fall and Visions in the spring. Throughout the semester choreographers have to show their pieces to our wonderful faculty-mentors between three and four times.  Basically the dancers and choreographers show up to the Dance Theatre, perform the piece and get feedback from the mentors.  They learn what works and what doesn't.  Sounds simple, right? Wrong. Since we only have time for a 2-hour concert, some pieces need to be cut from the show simply because of our time restrictions.  That leads me to this Thursday, the second showing, aka the first time they cut pieces. I'm not too worried for my piece, I mean I don't want to sound cocky, but I think I've built a solid foundation. But I am in four other pieces and no one is immune. Again, not to sound cocky, but I think all of the pieces I'm in are developing nicely and will hopefully make it through the second showing. Nothing will be decided until this Thursday so I guess I'll have to keep you in suspense until then.

Don't worry though! I'm sure I'll think of something thrilling to talk about before then. So keep checking back for more posts and if you have any ideas for anything dance-related you'd like to see on here let me know!  Like I said, it's my first time blogging and I'm always up for suggestions.

1 comment:

  1. Hey meg - welcome to the blog world! You will love it! I remember when I started mine (almost two years ago) I thought it would be a fluke.. I never thought I would keep writing or meet such great friends through it... if you want any help or tips, just let me know... I am your first follower!
